Monterey Hills Elementary School

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Resources » Short Term Independent Study

Short Term Independent Study

Short-Term Independent Study
Students absent between 3-14 consecutive days are eligible for short-term independent study.   Please note:  Independent Studies can only be done for a total of 14 days in one school year.  
Please request an independent student no less than 1 week before leaving.  Teachers need time to prepare homework, explain the assignment to the student, and work with the attendance clerk on the Independent Studies contract. 
You must email both your student's teacher and Mrs. Amy Soto regarding obtaining an Independent Study Packet and Contract.   Please note, contracts will be sent 1-3 days prior to your student being absent, contracts can not be sent any earlier or they will be VOID.
For additional questions:
Attendance Clerk, Registrar, Independent Studies
Mrs. Amy Soto-Jimenez
(626) 441-5860 ext. 6901  
For TK-5 students, as your classroom teacher prepares your independent study assignments, please use the below PDF to access daily assignments in the various content areas of English language arts (ELA), Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Physical Education (PE), and Electives.  These resources may also be used to supplement the work your classroom teacher has provided.