Monterey Hills Elementary School

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Policies and Procedures » Health Office

Health Office

Health Clerk at MHS:
Mrs. Fernanda Flores-Inclan
626-441-5860 ext. 6903
SPUSD District Nurse: Abigail Silver, RN, MSN, ACNP-BC - [email protected] 626-441-5830 ext 3917
Medication During The School Day: For the health and safety of your child at school it is requested that:
  1. ALL medication given at school must be accompanied by a District form available in the office.
  2. All medication must be given from the prescription bottle or vial and in accordance with the label on the bottle or vial.
  3. For the safety and welfare of your child, as well as the total school population, do not put medication in a school lunch container or backpacks. This includes such things as Tylenol, cough drops, etc.
  4. If medication is given, a medication form must be obtained from the office and signed by your physician. No medication will be given without the dosage, schedule time, and amount to be given.
Health Issues - Parental Responsibilities: 
  1. To see that children attend school well-nourished, well-rested, and free from illness.
  2. To ensure that children are dressed appropriately for the weather.
  3. To notify the school promptly if a child has a contagious disease such as head lice, chicken Pox, measles, impetigo, strep throat, conjunctivitis, etc., and to keep the child at home in accordance with school district policy.
  4. To ensure that your child brings a healthy, nutritious snack/lunch if a student will not purchase lunch at school.
Please use this online system to report a positive COVID-19 case, a COVID-19 exposure, or symptoms possibly related to COVID-19. 
If your child tests positive, they will not be able to return to school until the quarantine period is complete or a negative test result has been submitted using the new SPUSD Return to School Reporting Form.
Parents who have questions about isolation requirements can call the LACDPH Covid-19 Information Hotline at 1-833-540-0473. This line is available in multiple languages and operates 7 days a week from 8:00am to 8:30pm.
If you are positive for Covid-19 and need instructions on home isolation, please reference this link for information :
If you are a close contact to someone with Covid-19 and need instructions on quarantine, please reference this link for information:
If you have questions about travel and what to do after travel, you can find the LA County Dept of Health Travel Advisory here: