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Educators from China Visit SPHS STEM Classrooms

For the past 30 years, the South Pasadena Chinese-American Club (SPCC) has given SPUSD students the opportunity to travel to China in the summer through a cultural, language, and educational exchange program. As part of this program, SPCC partners with Jiangsu Education Services for International Exchange (JESIE). 

On Wednesday, November 20, SPUSD was fortunate enough to reciprocate the generosity of JESIE. A group of six administrators and educators from the Jiangsu Province visited South Pasadena High School and were provided with a campus tour led by Superintendent Yantz and Principal Eldred. SPHS students interacted with the JESIE educators and shared various classes, clubs, and programs offered at SPHS including Advanced Sports Medicine, the Anatomy Lab, and Computer Science classes. 

SPUSD values our partnership with SPCC and also appreciates the global perspectives of our educational partners from China.

For more information, contact: South Pasadena Unified School District, Office of the Superintendent, [email protected].