Monterey Hills Elementary School

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Phone Outage: District and school site phones are currently not operational.  If you need to contact district or site staff, please send an email message.

Dear SPUSD Community,
As part of the extensive upgrades to SPUSD’s telecommunications system, the phone lines are still not working at the District office and all the schools. Unfortunately, AT&T is having trouble meeting its contractual obligations for this project. We have escalated the matter with AT&T and have been told that they will make every effort to have phones operational by the end of next week (August 6th).  We apologize for any inconvenience and are equally frustrated by the situation.
If you are trying to call the District office or anyone at the school sites, please send an email message. If you are looking for an email address for a faculty or staff member, check the SPUSD or school websites for details.
Thank you for your patience and understanding while these improvements are being made. We remain hopeful that these issues will be resolved by the end of next week.
Derek Aoki
Director of Technology