Monterey Hills Elementary School

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5th Grade » 5th Grade

5th Grade

A Sample of What Your Child Will Be Working on in ELA in 5th Grade:
■ Summarizing the key details of stories, dramas, poems, and nonfiction materials, including their themes or main ideas
■ Identifying and judging evidence that supports particular ideas in an author’s argument to change a reader’s point of view
■ Integrating information from several print and digital sources to answer questions and solve problems
■ Writing opinions that offer reasoned arguments and provide facts and examples that are logically grouped to support the writer’s point of view
■ Writing stories, real or imaginary, that unfold naturally and developing the plot with dialogue, description, and effective pacing of the action
■ Coming to classroom discussions prepared, then engaging fully and thoughtfully with others (e.g., contributing accurate, relevant information; elaborating on the remarks of others; synthesizing ideas)
■ Reporting on a topic or presenting an opinion with his or her own words, a logical sequence of ideas, sufficient facts and details, and formal English when appropriate
■ Expanding, combining, and reducing sentences to improve meaning, interest, and style of writing
■ Building knowledge of academic words with an emphasis on those that signal a contrast in ideas or logical relationships, such as on the other hand, similarly, and therefore
■ Producing writing on the computer
A Sample of What Your Child Will Be Working on in Math during 5th Gr.:
■ Adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators (e.g., 21 ⁄4 – 11 ⁄3), and solving word problems of this kind
■ Multiplying fractions; dividing fractions in simple cases; and solving related word problems (e.g., finding the area of a rectangle with fractional side lengths; determining how many 1 ⁄3-cup servings are in 2 cups of raisins; determining the size of a share if 9 people share a 50-pound sack of rice equally or if 3 people share 1 ⁄2 pound of chocolate equally)
■ Generalizing the place-value system to include decimals, and calculating with decimals to the hundredths place (two places after the decimal)
■ Multiplying whole numbers quickly and accurately, for example 1,638 × 753, and dividing whole numbers in simple cases, such as dividing 6,971 by 63
■ Understanding the concept of volume, and solving word problems that involve volume
■ Graphing points in the coordinate plane (two dimensions) to solve problems
■ Analyzing mathematical patterns and relationships